Friday, June 13, 2008


Last Night I saw the Incredible Hulk. I hypothesize that some guy in the back of Marvel’s movie studio said “Hey! Why can’t we make a good comic book movie?” Then x-men was made, and then they said “That was fun! Can we do it again?” Several movies later (ignoring FF4 original hulk and elektra) now we have The Hulk.

To quickly sum up without spoiling the movie; the movie makers apologize to the audience for that blunder of an Ang Lee film by knocking that first piece of trash hulk movie out of the water in all categories..

They made the movie a sequel…kind of. Since a background story was established the that abortion of a first movie, they skip right over that whole explanation thing by recapping it in the opening credits.

And a few more awesome points

-They make the hulk look like ed norton

-Several awesome cameos (including a recent comic book hero turned movie star don’t worry I didn’t ruin anything)

-Awesome references to the Hulk show

-They give the hulk it’s own pair of hulk hands

-Parkour + The Hulk=One word “HULKOUR”

To quote Kevin in his Iron Man post “if you're not a comic follower you'll love it. if you ARE, then this is a guaranteed must own, once it gets to DvD, that you'll enjoy to have amongst your collection.”

9 Gamma Irradiated Beards

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