Monday, January 28, 2008

Cloverfield rebuttal.

I also went and saw Cloverfield the other night with a trav and kev. First off let me say that this review should be taken with a grain of salt. Kevin and I busted ass to get out of work and see the whole movie. we got out of work at 2200 hours and the movie started at 2205 we got there before the movie started. I personally count that as using up the cache of luck for the month. I expected this movie to move the world.

Plot: overall the plot was average. Nothing particularly special about it. No points awarded.

I will give it one point for an accurate portrayal of the first person point of view. On the bridge the camera hold faces someone else with a camera, and for that exact moment you realize that you only get this one view out of several hundreds of thousands of people all seeing the same thing. also at that intersection it would very possibly leave the oppurtunity for a sequel.
I award another point and a gold star for the genius who was responsible for that.

Another point will be awarded to this movie for its accurate use of hand held video camera to save on budget and explain cuts. For instance there is a scene where they walk up flights of stairs and to avoid showing us all 30 flights of stairs and an inexplicable cut scene, they turn off the camera. The movie then shows us a few seconds of what was being recorded over on the camera. (also giving us a small amount of story and character development.) They also used the camera when they save someone who has a rod through their shoulder. The guy filming puts the camera down and in his hurry to help drops the camera by her feet. By doing that the props crew didn't have to make a special rig to show how they lifted the actress of the rebar.

Why I didn't like the movie?First of pg-13 rating by the mpaa. no good monster movie can complete what it wants and still maintain a pg-13 rating.
Number 2! and this is the important one to me. someone, for lack of a better word "pops." unfortunatley for me- they dont show you exactly how they "pop," but i put a pin in that scene and told myself to get excited. you may see someone explode later in the movie. did i get it? No.

Final Review: all in all the movie was like a low carb strawberry beer. It had a cool premise and some really cool ideas.

I compare it to someone jacking me off in the movie theater, and the guy 4 row behind me got the orgasm.

Final Score 4 beards. go ahead see it but dont pay full price.